Cutartists’ workshop in Shiraz was held on 5th Aug. 2010 at Howzeh Honari Institute. 30 attendants were divided into three groups each led by two cutartists. Eight cutartists from Yazd, Isfahan and Tehran had come together to make this event possible. Bavand Behpoor and Hadis Aghakhanbeigi acted as the link between the groups.

The workshop consisted of five stages. In the first, each group was to build out of cardboard three boxes measuring 100*100*40cm. In the second stage, the participants had to think of a list of phenamena to transfer through the boxes and how the design of a box can make this transmission indirect and via a new medium. Then, each group had to choose three of ideas and redesigned boxes accordingly.  In the third phase, the boxes were transformed through additions and omissions.

In the fourth phase, two participants from another group would test the function of boxes in front of the whole participants.

In the fifth and final stage, the works of all groups were put together to form a different project. The boxes created a single machine with several entrances through which different objects were inserted. The outputs were amazing!

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